Now Available: Waffle the Product Comparison Grid

The Ultra Click development team is excited for our first Shopify App to be available in the App store - install it now!

Waffle is a simple and unique app that allows you to compare products form your Shopify store side-by-side anywhere on your website!

The beauty of Waffle is that all information is updated live from your product pages meaning you never have to go back and change prices or product details. If you update your product and it's included in a Waffle Grid, the grid will be updated as well.

Help customers make better buying decisions by showcasing products side by side to save clicks and increase conversion rate.

Get Waffle today for your Shopify Store.

Why We Built Waffle: Product Comparison Grid

Seeing how powerful editorial review sites impacted customer buying decisions, we wanted to incorporate a similar philosophy for our own Shopify stores with large inventories. We tested manually building HTML tables into blog posts to see if we could better educate customers and it worked! The products included in the grids started to sell with fewer questions directed to customer service. We tested doing the same on a Shopify store with a small catalog of products to help people see which product would be right for them; our conversion rate improved! So we built an app for Shopify owners that would provide the same features without needing any coding. We're always eager to hear your thoughts, reviews and suggestions.

Waffle's Key Features:

1. Simplify Purchase Decisions

By comparing products side-by-side, you're helping customers buy with confidence knowing they picked the product that’s right for them.

2. Editorial Style Product Review

Content with a magazine-like editorial feel. Let your customers see your short-listed recommendations so that the best products stand out. This pairs perfectly with Guest Writer, our author management app for Shopify stores.

3. Increase Customer Confidence

Use on product pages to compare variants or in collections to compare best sellers. Highlight differences between often confused details.

Waffle is a free Shopify App designed to improve your customer experience, install it today.